Meet Some of Our Global Messengers

Neale Donald Walsch
Neale is the New York Times bestselling author of the Conversations with God book series, which has been translated into 34 languages, redefined how we 'see God' and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe. Neale has built and supported a global community that is joining him to help the world move from violence to peace, from confusion to clarity, and from anger to love.
Neale made the decision to turn his seminal Conversation with God books into a live multi-week online course. We worked closely with Neale, utilizing our Brand DNA Process, to shape the content of his books into a transformative online learning experience that could engage a community of learners from around the world.
We helped Neale navigate the technology choices for the delivery of his course, and created a robust marketing campaign for the launch. Chris was the lead on launching Neale's course while he was Chief Development Officer at Evolving Wisdom, the online learning company hosting Neale's online offerings. Neale has since launched two other successful online courses.
The Online Course
Conversations with God: The Essential 7-Week Online Course
Discover the 7 steps out of suffering and Into limitless love, prosperity and joy
The Launch Outcome
For Neale’s first launch of the course, we enrolled more than 1,000 participants from over 40 countries in this $297 live program, earning nearly $300,000 in his first launch. Neale held teaching sessions and live interactive Q&As each week during the course. He continues to launch this live course 2-3 times per year, and he's now created an evergreen digital version of this course for people to take any time between his live launches.

Christina Pratt
Christina is the founder of the Last Mask Center and is based in Portland, Oregon USA. She has been teaching shamanism and shamanic practices in person for over 20 years. She realized a few years ago that she was not able to meet the needs of her growing global community by only teaching her programs in person. And she also didn’t want to be cris-crossing the planet to teach her programs. She got clear that it was time to create online training programs, and really wanted them to be engaging and transformative.
She found me through my live online workshop — The Course Creators Lab — and then signed up for Launch Academy. Christina followed our step-by-step course creation process and launched her very first online course in just a few months after completing Launch Academy.
The Online Course
Energy Body Mastery: Restoring Your Life’s Balance, Connection and Vitality
Discover and clear internalized oppressive patterns with a practice that liberates your lifeforce to act in a grounded, resilient, heart-centered way
The Launch Outcome
In Christina’s very first online course launch, she enrolled 220 people into the live 7-week course at a price of $297. She had students from 20 countries in the course, and booked revenue of $65,340 for a single course launch. Her second launch of this course generated 225 participants. And now she now offers this course 2-3 times per year along with 3 other online programs that she created coming out of Launch Academy.Â

Lion Goodman
Lion is a coach, trainer, and founder of the Clear Beliefs Institute. He recently created the Clear Beliefs Coach Training Program, an online training and certification program. Lion has been teaching his clear beliefs process for over 10 years and had a general online course that was essentially “for everyone.” He had pretty poor results with this course and wasn’t getting the numbers he wanted. It was not a profitable offering.Â
He came to realize that there were many things about crafting, marketing and launching an online course that he didn’t know. He told us that he thought he knew, but his results told him that it was time to learn a proven course launch system. He joined Launch Academy and through the coaching and the course materials he quickly realized he had some serious redesigning to do. And he did — with fantastic results.
The Online Course
Clear Beliefs Coach Training Program
Discover how to clear beliefs, traumas, resistance, and limitations that prevent your clients from moving forward
The Launch Outcome
Lion completely revamped the content and the marketing of his Clear Beliefs Coach Training program and re-launched it twice within 6 months and nearly quadrupled the number of students in his program and generated nearly $125,000 in new revenue from this course.
Here are some additional Launch Academy grads who had successful course launches…